
Zoom’s Return-To-Office Could Doom The Company

Leadership 4 Min Read

Exceptional leaders often excel as skilled storytellers, and for good reason. Once a company hits a certain level of organizational complexity, one of the most important tasks the CEO has is to craft intellectually coherent and captivating narratives about the firm, its purpose, and its performance. Failure in this task means undermining the very existence of the company; a sin

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Leadership 12 Min Read

A Former Starbucks Employee’s Side Hustle Earns $70k Monthly

This Side Hustle Spotlight Q&A features Tom Saar. Saar has been using Taskrabbit, an online marketplace that pairs freelance workers with local jobs, to help build his moving business. He currently works with two other approved "Taskers" and has earned more than $150,000 in the past seven months. Image Credit:

Leadership 1 Min Read

5 Ways to Fix Your Lack of Inspiration

Inspiration is a powerful force that can give us a sense of purpose, motivation and joy in our lives. However, it's not always easy to find that inspiration, let alone maintain it over time. As business leaders, we have many responsibilities and priorities to juggle, and it can be challenging

Leadership 10 Min Read

Zac’s Sweet Shop: Side Hustle to Business Projecting $1M

From a young age, Zac's Sweet Shop founder Zac Coughlin had a passion for art, food and business. "I always say, I went to the mall not for toys or clothes, but I went straight to the food court, and I would study the food business," he says. "I would

Leadership 8 Min Read

How to Secure Unbiased Financial Advice as an Entrepreneur

Success in business comes from hard work, determination and effective execution. To derive the most value from their success, however, entrepreneurs need financial strategies rooted in unbiased advice. Unfortunately, conflicts of interest inherent in traditional wealth-management models can distort even the best-laid plans, undermining efforts to achieve personal and business

Leadership 7 Min Read

Taking Breaks Doesn’t Make You Lazy — Here Are 4 Ways It Actually Makes You More Productive

Taking breaks has long been (unfairly) associated with unproductivity, so much so that it can feel like a disadvantage in this fast-paced, highly competitive world.However, seasoned entrepreneurs understand the importance of scheduling breaks, not only for physical and mental health care but also for business sustainability. Strategically scheduling them into

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Peltz Sells Disney Stock After Board Fight, Makes $1 Billion

Even though billionaire investor Nelson Peltz may have lost the battle for a Disney board seat in April, he just scored a financial win by selling all of his Disney stock.Peltz, the 81-year-old founder of multi-billion dollar hedge fund Trian Partners, has made $1 billion by selling his stake in

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Build Customer Loyalty and Trust With This Unique Marketing Strategy

A new trend in the B2B SaaS sector has started to challenge traditional corporate marketing strategies. The term "founder-led marketing" leverages personal branding to establish a strong brand identity and build direct relationships with customers. However, with the traction this strategy is getting, I can't help but wonder whether this

Leadership 8 Min Read

How to Create Effective Recognition Programs for Startup Founders

In the bustling world of startups, the concept of "sweat equity" often buzzes in the background, unrecognized yet vital. Founders pour their time, expertise and relentless energy into building their ventures from the ground up. While financial investments are typically acknowledged and rewarded, the non-financial contributions — or sweat equity

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8 Ways to Get People to Respect You More

Respect. It permeates every interaction, every word, every glance. There are times, however, when disrespect lurks beneath the surface, hidden in awkward silences, passive-aggressive jabs, or gradual erosion of boundaries.It's easy to feel unheard and undervalued when you receive subtle hints like these. However, before you spiral into self-doubt, take

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To Dominate Your Market, You Need to Follow These Five Steps

Strategy isn't optional — it's your business lifeline. Although it's tempting to get lost in numbers, margins and growth rates, these metrics alone won't ensure your success. You need a comprehensive plan that goes beyond figures — aligning with your company's core strengths and with the competitive landscape.Perhaps the most

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