
Zoom Steps Up Its Game With AI and

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Here are five things in tech that happened this week and how they affect your business. Did you miss them? 1 – Zoom taps AI to empower customers in safe hybrid work environment. Zoom – the communications platform used by nearly 13 million people each month – is working to further elevate its collaboration services with AI technology. Announcements include

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SearchGPT Is OpenAI’s Direct Assault on Google

After months of speculation about its search ambitions, OpenAI has revealed SearchGPT, a “prototype” search engine that could eventually help the company tear off a slice of Google's lucrative business.OpenAI said that the new tool would help users find what they are looking for more quickly and easily by using

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Craig Wright Faces Perjury Investigation Over Claims He Created Bitcoin

A judge in the UK High Court has directed prosecutors to consider bringing criminal charges against computer scientist Craig Wright, after ruling that he lied “extensively and repeatedly” and committed forgery “on a grand scale” in service of his quest to prove he is Satoshi Nakamoto, creator of bitcoin.In a

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Elon Musk Says He’s Moving X and SpaceX Headquarters to Texas

Elon Musk said he is moving more of his business empire to Texas. Musk-run X and SpaceX will shift their corporate headquarters to the Lone Star State from California, he wrote in a series of posts on X on Tuesday. He didn’t provide a timeline for the move, but he

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Spotify, Stop Trying to Become a Social Media App

Spotify’s decision to introduce comment sections under podcasts should surprise no one. For years now, apps have been ripping off each other’s most popular features. Where once apps adhered to their respective “things,” today they want to do it all: You can post Stories on YouTube, use AI search tools

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The AI-Powered Future of Coding Is Near

I am by no means a skilled coder, but thanks to a free program called SWE-agent, I was just able to debug and fix a gnarly problem involving a misnamed file within different code repositories on the software-hosting site GitHub.I pointed SWE-agent at an issue on GitHub and watched as

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The Hidden Ties Between Google and Amazon’s Project Nimbus and Israel’s Military

That appears to still include the IDF. WIRED identified several Israeli government statements and documents published since 2022 that confirm the IDF’s continued involvement with Project Nimbus, although they do not provide details of the tools and capabilities it uses.For instance, a government document published on June 15, 2022, that

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The Metaverse Was Supposed to Be Your New Office. You’re Still on Zoom

When Mark Zuckerberg rebranded Facebook as Meta in 2021, he estimated the metaverse could reach a billion people over a decade. Not long after, Bill Gates predicted that within two or three years “most virtual meetings will move from 2D camera image grids—which I call the Hollywood Squares model, although

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The EU Is Coming for X’s Paid Blue Checks

Paid-for blue checks on social media network X deceive users and are abused by malicious actors, the European Union said today, threatening the Elon Musk–owned platform with millions of dollars in fines unless the company makes changes.Enabling any account to pay for a verification breaches the EU’s Digital Services Act

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Google DeepMind’s Chatbot-Powered Robot Is Part of a Bigger Revolution

In a cluttered open-plan office in Mountain View, California, a tall and slender wheeled robot has been busy playing tour guide and informal office helper—thanks to a large language model upgrade, Google DeepMind revealed today. The robot uses the latest version of Google’s Gemini large language model to both parse

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Pressure Grows in Congress to Treat Crypto Investigator Tigran Gambaryan, Jailed in Nigeria, as a Hostage

When Tigran Gambaryan was first invited in February to meet with the Nigerian government in order to settle a dispute with his employer, the cryptocurrency exchange Binance, Nigerian officials detained him against his will, stripped him of his passport, and told him he was a “guest” of the state. He's

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