On Forbes Newsroom, Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) spoke about the Fortify Israel Act, a bill he introduced last week to repurpose Iran’s $6 billion in frozen funds to support Israel.

“It was a way of coming up with another stream of cash flow, but also using one of the bad actors’ money to pay for it,” Schweikert says.

The U.S. and Qatar agreed to deny Iran access to $6 billion in frozen assets as part of a hostage deal last week following allegations of Iranian involvement in the Hamas attack on Israel.

Schweikert said that the House’s lack of a speaker prevents him from moving forward with the proposed legislation, despite what he describes as “bipartisan” support.

“There’s almost this cheerleading of we need to do something,” he says, “but we’re not capable of doing it because of a self-inflicted wound.”

Schweikert called the motion to oust former Speaker Kevin McCarthy a “mistake.”

Says Schweikert: “This is what happens when people in many ways lead with their feelings instead of a calculator.”

He is supportive of the speakership going to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), who lost the first round of voting on the House floor.

“With the angst that’s in the world we really have to get back to work.”

For the full interview, click above.